Virtual Wine Tasting
With this virtual wine tasting experience, your guests will be transported to the sprawling vineyards of Napa Valley, Sonoma County, the North Fork of Long Island, or the wine country of your choosing, the destinations are endless! All attendees will receive first-class wine selections and a commemorative gift. This interactive virtual wine tasting experience with a sommelier will surely build excitement as guests gain knowledge from grape to glass. Gourmet snack pairings will enhance this experience and guests will learn what wines are best to pair with specific flavors.

Virtual Wine Tasting Suggested Program
Wine and gourmet snacks are curated specifically for your group’s event and are sent to the guests 1-2 days prior to the tasting experience. SHG will provide branded and upgraded packaging so that the experience begins with the unboxing of the wine.
The event will begin with an introduction from the Sommelier or winemaker as they review the vineyard’s region, history, grapes, and wine varieties. The vineyard’s rich winemaking tradition will be chronicled and combined with interactive elements that will bring guests even closer than a strong pour of the winery’s finest could bring them. Each wine will be paired with gourmet cheeses received prior to the experience.
While guests enjoy this exclusive experience, a moderated Q&A session with the Sommelier will conclude the event.
Virtual Wine Tasting Program Inclusions
Virtual wine tasting with winemaker or sommelier
At-home wine tasting kit shipped to each guest with gift
Assistance in procuring and negotiating product for tastings
3 bottles of wine
30-second clip if available and save the date
Management of shipping logistics to all attendees
Turnkey invitation process to include all creative costs
Branded creative gifting insert
Registration site build and management
Platform management
SHG pre-program logistics and program management
Post-event recap with link to event, attendance list & chat response
Virtual Wine Tasting Gifting and Creative
Each guest will receive an at-home wine tasting kit with three bottles of wine as well as:
3 bottles of wine for tasting
Branded gifting insert
Branded wine carrier or branded wine glasses

*Please note that gifting can be customized and SHG can tailor to fit your needs